About me

My name is Jessica Bieshaar and I’m a creative spirit and thanks for taking the time to read this…About me Jessica Bieshaar

I do also work in the corporate world but there has always been this everlasting craving that I need to work with my hands otherwise I am not “complete” ☺ When I do, I am completely relaxed and able to come up with the most innovative ideas.

It started when I was really small helping out my dad and granddad making wooden furniture by handing them their tools and asking loads of questions.

In my teenage years I visited Barcelona and got obsessed with Gaudi and decided to start working with mosaics, starting out with ceramics but quickly expanding into glass, porcelain, stones etc..

I am fully autodidact and still learning and innovating as I go. After a range of workshops I decided to focus on making art based on customer requests so each piece is unique to your wishes.

Doing several large installations (such as bathrooms, murals, fountains..) I found that I actually also have an interest in what kind of interior my art is placed in and am keen on making it a completely unique styling experience, so I decided to get my diploma in interior design. Successfully completed this last year and so I am taking the opportunity to compliment the interior styling I can offer with a unique piece of art that is tailored to it.

You can email me at info@bitznpieces.nl if you are so inclined. The rule of thumb is that if in doubt, it doesn’t hurt to ask, possibilities are limitless.

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